时间: 2021-12-03 发布者: 文章来源: 欧洲杯买足球软件 审核人: 浏览次数: 1198


报告题目1Defending Privacy Against More Knowledgeable Membership Inference Attackers



报告摘要:Membership Inference Attack (MIA) in deep learning is a common form of privacy attack which aims to infer whether a data sample is in a target classifier's training dataset or not. Previous studies of MIA typically tackle either a black-box or a white-box adversary model, assuming an attacker not knowing (or knowing) the structure and parameters of the target classifier while having access to the confidence vector of the query output. With the popularity of privacy protection methods such as differential privacy, it is increasingly easier for an attacker to obtain the defense method adopted by the target classifier, which poses extra challenge to privacy protection. In this paper, we name such attacker a crystal-box adversary. We present definitions for utility and privacy of target classifier, and formulate the design goal of the defense method as an optimization problem. We also conduct theoretical analysis on the respective forms of the optimization for three adversary models, namely black-box, white-box, and crystal-box, and prove that the optimization problem is NP-hard. Thereby we solve a surrogate problem and propose three defense methods, which, if used together, can make trade-off between utility and privacy. A notable advantage of our approach is that it can be used to resist attacks from three adversary models, namely black-box, white-box, and crystal-box, simultaneously. Evaluation results show effectiveness of our proposed approach for defending privacy against MIA and better performance compared to previous defense methods.



报告题目2Budgeted Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation



报告摘要:Heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) estimation is receiving increasing interest due to its important applications in fields such as healthcare, economics, and education. Current HTE estimation methods generally assume the existence of abundant observational data, though the acquisition of such data can be costly. In some real scenarios, it is easy to access the pre-treatment covariates and treatment assignments, but expensive to obtain the factual outcomes. To make HTE estimation more practical, in this paper, we examine the problem of estimating HTEs with a budget constraint on observational data, aiming to obtain accurate HTE estimates with limited costs. By deriving an informative generalization bound and connecting to active learning, we propose an effective and efficient method which is validated both theoretically and empirically.









报告题目4Learning the Redundancy-free Features for Generalized Zero-Shot Object Recognition



报告摘要:Zero-shot object recognition or zero-shot learning aims to transfer the object recognition ability among the semantically related categories, such as fine-grained animal or bird species. However, the images of different fine-grained objects tend to merely exhibit subtle differences in appearance, which will severely deteriorate zero-shot object recognition. To reduce the superfluous information in the fine-grained objects, in this paper, we propose to learn the redundancy-free features for generalized zero-shot learning. We achieve our motivation by projecting the original visual features into a new (redundancy-free) feature space and then restricting the statistical dependence between these two feature spaces. Furthermore, we require the projected features to keep and even strengthen the category relationship in the redundancy-free feature space. In this way, we can remove the redundant information from the visual features without losing the discriminative information. We extensively evaluate the performance on four benchmark datasets. The results show that our redundancy-free feature based generalized zero-shot learning (RFF-GZSL) approach can outperform the state-of-the-arts often by a large margin. Our code is available.









报告题目6Product Quantized Collaborative Filtering



报告摘要:Because of strict response-time constraints, efficiency of top-k recommendation is crucial for real-world recommender systems. Locality sensitive hashing and index-based methods usually store both index data and item feature vectors in main memory, so they handle a limited number of items. Hashing-based recommendation methods enjoy low memory cost and fast retrieval of items, but suffer from large accuracy degradation. In this paper, we propose product Quantized Collaborative Filtering (pQCF) for better trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. pQCF decomposes a joint latent space of users and items into a Cartesian product of low-dimensional subspaces, and learns clustered representation within each subspace. A latent factor is then represented by a short code, which is composed of subspace cluster indexes. A user's preference for an item can be efficiently calculated via table lookup. We then develop block coordinate descent for efficient optimization and reveal the learning of latent factors is seamlessly integrated with quantization. We further investigate an asymmetric pQCF, dubbed as QCF, where user latent factors are not quantized and shared across different subspaces. The extensive experiments with 6 real-world datasets show that pQCF significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art hashing-based CF and QCF increases recommendation accuracy compared to pQCF.






