时间: 2021-12-10 发布者: 文章来源: 欧洲杯买足球软件 审核人: 浏览次数: 1440

报告题目1Norm-Aware Embedding for Efficient Person Search



报告摘要:Person detection and Re-identification are two well-defined support tasks for practically relevant tasks such as Person Search and Multiple Person Tracking. Person Search aims to find and locate all instances with the same identity as the query person in a set of panoramic gallery images. Similarly, Multiple Person Tracking, especially when using the tracking-by-detection pipeline, requires to detect and associate all appeared persons in consecutive video frames. One major challenge shared by the two tasks comes from the contradictory goals of detection and re-identification, i.e, person detection focuses on finding the commonness of all persons while person re-ID handles the differences among multiple identities. Therefore, it is crucial to reconcile the relationship between the two support tasks in a joint model. To this end, we present a novel approach called Norm-Aware Embedding to disentangle the person embedding into norm and angle for detection and re-ID respectively, allowing for both effective and efficient multi-task training. We further extend the proposal-level person embedding to pixel-level, whose discrimination ability is less affected by misalignment. Our Norm-Aware Embedding achieves remarkable performance on both person search and multiple person tracking benchmarks, with the merit of being easy to train and resource-friendly.









报告题目3Discrete Matrix Factorization and Extension for Fast Item Recommendation



报告摘要:Binary representation of users and items can dramatically improve efficiency of recommendation and reduce size of recommendation models. However, learning optimal binary codes for them is challenging due to binary constraints, even if squared loss is optimized. In this article, we propose a general framework for discrete matrix factorization based on discrete optimization, which can 1) optimize multiple loss functions; 2) handle both explicit and implicit feedback datasets; and 3) take auxiliary information into account without any hyperparameters. To tackle the challenging discrete optimization problem, we propose block coordinate descent based on semidefinite relaxation of binary quadratic programming. We theoretically show that it is equivalent to discrete coordinate descent when only one coordinate is in each block. We extensively evaluate the proposed algorithms on eight real-world datasets. The results of evaluation show that they outperform the state-of-the-art baselines significantly and that auxiliary information of items improves recommendation performance. For better showing the advantages of binary representation, we further propose a two-stage recommender system, consisting of an item-recalling stage and a subsequent fine-ranking stage. Its extensive evaluation shows hashing can dramatically accelerate item recommendation with little degradation of accuracy.









报告题目5BERT-JAM: Maximizing the utilization of BERT for neural machine translation时间:202112121400-1500



Pre-training based approaches have been demonstrated effective for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. Leveraging BERT for neural machine translation (NMT), which we refer to as BERT enhanced NMT, has received increasing interest in recent years. However, there still exists a research gap in studying how to maximize the utilization of BERT for NMT tasks. Firstly, previous studies mostly focus on utilizing BERT's last-layer representation, neglecting the linguistic features encoded by the intermediate layers. Secondly, it requires further architectural exploration to integrate the BERT representation with the NMT encoder/decoder layers efficiently. And thirdly, existing methods keep the BERT parameters fixed during training to avoid the catastrophic forgetting problem, wasting the chances of boosting the performance via fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose BERT-JAM to fill the research gap from three aspects: 1) we equip BERT-JAM with fusion modules for composing BERT's multi-layer representations into a fused representation that can be leveraged by the NMT model, 2) BERT-JAM utilizes joint-attention modules to allow the BERT representation to be dynamically integrated with the encoder/decoder representations, and 3) we train BERT-JAM with a three-phase optimization strategy that progressively unfreezes different components to overcome catastrophic forgetting during fine-tuning. Experimental results show that BERT-JAM achieves state-of-the-art BLEU scores on multiple translation tasks.



报告题目6Towards Convergence Rate Analysis of Random Forests for Classification时间:202112121500-1600


报告摘要:Random forests have been one of the successful ensemble algorithms in machine learning. The basic idea is to construct a large number of random trees individually and make prediction based on an average of their predictions. The great successes have attracted much attention on the consistency of random forests, mostly focusing on regression. This work takes one step towards convergence rates of random forests for classification. We present the first finite-sample rate O(n 1/(8d+2)) on the convergence of pure random forests for classification, which can be improved to be of O(n 1/(3.87d+2)) by considering the midpoint splitting mechanism. We introduce another variant of random forests, which follow Breiman’s original random forests but with different mechanisms on splitting dimensions and positions. We get a convergence rate O(n 1/(d+2)(ln n) 1/(d+2)) for the variant of random forests, which reaches the minimax rate, except for a factor (ln n) 1/(d+2), of the optimal plug-in classifier under the L-Lipschitz assumption. We achieve tighter convergence rate O( p ln n/n) under proper assumptions over structural data.






