学术报告:Graph-Based Parsing for English Resource Semantics
时间: 2020-01-03 发布者: 文章来源: 欧洲杯买足球软件 审核人: 浏览次数: 1591

报告题目:Graph-Based Parsing for English Resource Semantics



报 告 人:孙薇薇 副教授

报告摘要:In this talk, I will introduce English Resource Semantics (ERS), the semantic representations produced by the English Resource Grammar. ERS includes not only basic predicate-argument structures, but also information about various complex phenomena such as the distinction between scopal and non-scopal arguments, conditionals, comparatives, and many others.  High-performance parsing models for such richly detailed meaning representations can provide an application-independent intermediate layer of interpretation and thus significantly enrich the toolkit of automatic linguistic analysis for semantically-sensitive NLP tasks. I will introduce the linguistic and formal designs of ERS, in order to make this resource more accessible. After a short tour of the fundamental theory, I will introduce recent progress on neural ERS parsing. In particular, I will discuss the parsing techniques developed under the umbrella of graph-based meaning representations, including composition-, factorization- and transition-based models.

报告人简介:孙薇薇(主页http://wsun106.github.io,博士,北京大学王选计算机技术研究所(原计算机科学技术研究所)副教授。研究方向为计算语言学/自然语言处理。于北京大学获得应用语言学文学学士、软件工程理学学士和计算机软件与理论理学硕士,于德国萨尔州大学获得数学与计算机科学方向工学博士。20122月进入北京大学王选所工作;20158月晋升为副教授。近年来的主要研究课题是句法语义分析,在基于图表征的深层句法语义分析方向着力较多,在汉语深层句法语义资源建设以及中文信息处理方面也做了较多探索性工作。目前已在计算语言学领域的旗舰期刊与会议上发表论文二十余篇。2014201520182019年带领团队参加ACL组织的国际语义分析评测,取得多项第一名。担任国际会议ACL 2018/2019/2020EMNLP 2019句法分析领域的area chairIWPT 2020co-chair