2011第六届智能系统与知识工程国际会议(ISKE 2011)征文通知
时间: 2011-07-14 发布者: 文章来源: 欧洲杯买足球软件 审核人: 浏览次数: 791

2011 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering

2011第六届智能系统与知识工程国际会议(ISKE 2011)







所有被录用的论文将被Springer出版公司出版,Ei CompendexISTP全文检索。部分优秀论文将被推荐到SCI检索期刊发表。热忱欢迎从事智能系统、知识工程等研究的专家、学者、专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。


一、            会议征文范围


主题1 Foundations of Intelligent Systems:

Artificial Intelligence Theories; Intelligent System Models; Logic, Reasoning & Problem Solving; Multi-Agent Systems; Soft Computing and Fuzzy Systems; Case Based Reasoning, Neural Networks; Probabilistic Reasoning; Search, Optimization and Planning; Genetic and Swarm Computing; Pattern Recognition; Speech Recognition; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Biological Inspired Computation; Game Theory; Computational Intelligence (Distributed Computing, Cloud Computing, and Pervasive Computing); Speech Recognition; Image/Video Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; Brain-Computer Interface(BCI), Cognitive Science, and Computational Neuroscience


主题2 Knowledge Engineering and Management:

Knowledge Representation and Modeling; Knowledge Maintenance; Knowledge Elicitation; Knowledge-Based Systems(KBS)Expert Systems or Decision Support Systems; Content Management and Knowledge Management Systems; Workflow Management Systems; Business Process Reengineering; Ontology Engineering (Modeling, Mapping, Integration etc.); Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Knowledge Acquisition; Spatial/Temporal Data mining; Natural Language Processing; Text Mining, Classification and Summarization; Textual Entailment; Question Answering Systems; Document Preparation and Text Processing; Language Translation and Linguistics; Information Storage, Annotation and Retrieval,; Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data Retrieval; Data Simulation, Modeling, and Visualization; Information and Knowledge Integration (Semantic Web; SOA, XML and Business Process Integration)


主题3  Practical Applications and Systems:

Social Computing, Service Computing and Mobile Computing; Intelligent Game; Intelligent Multimedia; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Intelligent Engineering Systems; Business Intelligence; Knowledge Engineering in E-commerce, in Art and in Education; Intelligent Bioinformatics Systems; Intelligent Healthcare Systems; E-learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Intelligent Systems in Engineering and Science (Transportation, Product Design, Physics, Chemistry; …, etc.); Knowledge-based Software Engineering; Adaptive and Intelligent Control Systems, Perceptron and Navigation; Intelligent issues in GIS, Networks or in Internet of Things; Social Issues of Knowledge Engineering


主题4 其他相关主题







论文全文提交截止日期:      2011830

论文录用通知日期:          2011920

注册截止日期:              2011930

最终论文提交:               2011930

会议时间:                  2011121517











联系人:周静  18918042182  

E-mail: iske2011@163.com;      网址:http://iske2011.sjtu.edu.cn
