时间: 2017-02-20 发布者: 文章来源: 欧洲杯买足球软件 审核人: 浏览次数: 1399
序号作 者/通讯作者题   名刊   名收录情况
1张召A Sparse Projection and Low-Rank Recovery Framework for Handwriting Representation and Salient Stroke Feature ExtractionACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGYSCIE
2陈文亮Distributed Feature Representations for Dependency ParsingIEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSINGSCIE
3程宝雷Dimensional-Permutation-Based Independent Spanning Trees in Bijective Connection NetworksIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSSCIE
4黄河PPS: Privacy-Preserving Strategyproof Social-Efficient Spectrum Auction MechanismsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSSCIE
5黄河Truthful Auction Mechanisms with Performance Guarantee in Secondary Spectrum MarketsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTINGSCIE
6张莉Learning similarity with cosine similarity ensembleINFORMATION SCIENCESSCIE
7张莉Double adjacency graphs-based discriminant neighborhood embeddingPATTERN RECOGNITIONSCIE
8张召Simple yet effective color principal and discriminant feature extraction for representing and recognizing color imagesNEUROCOMPUTINGSCIE
9张召Automatic image annotation via compact graph based semi-supervised learningKNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMSSCIE
10张召Learning from normalized local and global discriminative information for semi-supervised regression and dimensionality reductionINFORMATION SCIENCESSCIE
11张召Bilinear low-rank coding framework and extension for robust image recovery and feature representationKNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMSSCIE
12李直旭TRIP: An Interactive Retrieving-Inferring Data Imputation ApproachIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERINGSCIE
13刘纯平Learning topic of dynamic scene using belief propagation and weighted visual words approachSOFT COMPUTINGSCIE
14严建峰Communication-efficient algorithms for parallel latent Dirichlet allocationSOFT COMPUTINGSCIE
15张莉Time series prediction using sparse regression ensemble based on l(2)-l(1) problemSOFT COMPUTINGSCIE
16张莉A fast gene selection method for multi-cancer classification using multiple support vector data descriptionJOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICSSCIE
17张莉Similarity-balanced discriminant neighbor embedding and its application to cancer classification based on gene expression dataCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINESCIE
18张召Bilinear Embedding Label Propagation: Towards Scalable Prediction of Image LabelsIEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERSSCIE
19张召Graph Based Constrained Semi-Supervised Learning Framework via Label Propagation over Adaptive NeighborhoodIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERINGSCIE
20崔志明Active transfer learning of matching query results across multiple sourcesFRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCESCIE
21樊建席Hamiltonian Properties of DCell NetworksCOMPUTER JOURNALSCIE
22樊建席One-to-one disjoint path covers on alternating group graphsTHEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCESCIE
23樊建席Approximate Algorithms for Vertex Cover Problems in WSN Topology DesignAD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKSSCIE
24刘钊Embedding complete binary trees into parity cubesJOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTINGSCIE
25吕强Improving protein-ligand docking with flexible interfacial water molecules using SWRosettaLigandJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELINGSCIE
26任子武A hybrid biogeography-based optimization method for the inverse kinematics problem of an 8-DOF redundant humanoid manipulatorFRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERINGSCIE
27王进An efficient communication relay placement algorithm for content-centric wireless mesh networksINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSSCIE
28吴健Immune Centroids Oversampling Method for Binary ClassificationCOMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCESCIE
29熊德意Backward and trigger-based language models for statistical machine translationNATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERINGSCIE
30许佳捷Efficient route search on hierarchical dynamic road networksDISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASESSCIE
31张莉Kernel sparse representation-based classifier ensemble for face recognitionMULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONSSCIE
32张莉Supervised locally linear embedding algorithm based on orthogonal matching pursuitIET IMAGE PROCESSINGSCIE
33赵雷Trip Oriented Search on Activity TrajectoryJOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSCIE
34仲兆准Consensus for First- and Second-Order Discrete-Time Multi-agent Systems with Delays Based on Model Predictive Control SchemesCIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSINGSCIE
35朱斐Human-level Moving Object Recognition from Traffic VideoCOMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMSSCIE
36朱斐Protein interaction network constructing based on text mining and reinforcement learning with application to prostate cancerIET SYSTEMS BIOLOGYSCIE
37朱艳琴Network Coding-Based Real-Time Retransmission Scheme in Wireless Sensor NetworksINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKSSCIE
38陈文亮Exploiting meta features for dependency parsing and part-of-speech taggingArtificial IntelligenceEI
39段湘煜Bayesian constituent context model for grammar inductionIEEE/ACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingEI
40龚声蓉Topic tracking based on online belief propagationJisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of ComputersEI
41洪宇Implicit discourse relation inference based on the external relationJisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and DevelopmentEI
42洪宇Satisfaction prediction oriented quantitative mouse movement analysisJisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of ComputersEI
43孔芳A Joint Learning Approach To Explicit Discourse Parsing Via Structured PerceptronLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial IntelligenEI
44李凡长Advances in the study of Lie group machine learning in recent ten yearsJisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of ComputersEI
45李凡长Path optimization algorithms for covering learningRuan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of SoftwareEI
46李正华Joint optimization for Chinese POS tagging and dependency parsingIEEE/ACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingEI
47梁合兰Multiple service processes optimization with slack temporal constraints based on cooperative coevolution algorithmJisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMSEI
48梁合兰Research on dynamic scheduling of scientific workows with temporal constraintsXitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian/System Engineering Theory and PracticeEI
49刘冠峰An evolution-based robust social influence evaluation method in Online Social NetworksLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial IntelligenEI
50刘全Mergeable adaptive tile coding methodTongxin Xuebao/Journal on CommunicationsEI
51刘全Collaborative Q-V value function approximation model based on adaptive normalized radial basis function networkJisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of ComputersEI
52刘全A novel fast Sarsa algorithm based on value function transferTien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica SinicaEI
53刘全Experience replay for least-squares policy iterationIEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica SinicaEI
54马小虎Cost-sensitive local discriminant embedding for face recognitionJisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer GraphiEI
55马小虎Reversible grayscale watermarking using integer wavelet transform and multi-objective genetic algorithmJisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer GraphiEI
56唐自立Generating strictly binary trees at random based on convex polygon triangulationsInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsEI
57杨哲High-order description model of message propagation process in Ad hoc networkDongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science EditiEI
58张广泉Method for modeling CPS based on open colored petri netJournal of Computational Information SystemsEI
59张广泉Adaptive environment perception architecture model for internet of thingsJournal of Computational Information SystemsEI
60张宏斌Cooperative forwarding model based on repeated game in Ad hoc networksDianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information TechnologyEI
61张莉Orthogonal matching pursuit-based incremental locally linear embedding algorithmInternational Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications SystemsEI
62李凡长Semi-supervised concept factorization for document clusteringInformation SciencesEI
63赵雷Ranking based activity trajectory searchLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial IntelligenEI
64赵朋朋Active multi-label learning with optimal label subset selectionLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial IntelligenEI
65赵朋朋A serial sample selection framework for active learningLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial IntelligenEI
66周国栋Chinese discourse segmentation based on punctuation marksInternational Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern RecognitionEI
67崔志明Improving ontology matching with propagation strategy and user feedbackSEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITALCPCIS
68龚声蓉A Sparse Pyramid Pooling StrategyCOMPUTER VISION, CCCV 2015, PT IICPCIS
69郭芸Robust Dynamic Background Model with Adaptive Region Based on T2FS and GMMKNOWLEDGE SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMECPCIS
70孔芳A Convolutional Deep Neural Network for Coreference Resolution via Modeling Hierarchical FeaturesINTELLIGENCE SCIENCE AND BIG DATA ENGINEERICPCIS
71李培峰Chinese Event Co-reference Resolution Based on Trigger Semantics and Combined FeaturesCHINESE LEXICAL SEMANTICS (CLSW 2015)CPCIS
72李培峰An Approach to Recognize Temporal Relations Between Chinese EventsCHINESE LEXICAL SEMANTICS (CLSW 2015)CPCIS
73李培峰A Chinese Event Argument Inference Approach Based on Entity Semantics and Event RelevanceCHINESE LEXICAL SEMANTICS (CLSW 2015)CPCIS
74李寿山Emotion Corpus Construction on Microblog TextCHINESE LEXICAL SEMANTICS (CLSW 2015)CPCIS
75李寿山Leveraging Interactive Knowledge and Unlabeled Data in Gender Classification with Co-trainingDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS
76李寿山Interactive Gender Inference in Social MediaDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS
77李寿山Joint Sentiment and Emotion Classification with Integer Linear ProgrammingDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS
78李直旭HouseIn: A Housing Rental Platform with Non-redundant Information Integrated from Multiple SourcesWEB TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (APWEB 20CPCIS
79李直旭NokeaRM: Employing Non-key Attributes in Record MatchingWEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (WAIM 2015)CPCIS
80李直旭SmartInt: A Demonstration System for the Interaction Between Schema Mapping and Record MatchingWEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (WAIM 2015)CPCIS
81梁合兰Dynamic Service Scheduling in Cloud Computing Using a Novel Hybrid Algorithm2015 IEEE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCPCIS
82刘安A Secure and Efficient Framework for Privacy Preserving Social RecommendationWEB TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (APWEB 20CPCIS
83刘安PPS-POI-Rec: A Privacy Preserving Social Point-of-Interest Recommender SystemWEB TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (APWEB 20CPCIS
84刘纯平Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Using Slow Feature Analysis and Spatial Information for Dynamic ScenesINTELLIGENCE SCIENCE AND BIG DATA ENGINEERICPCIS
85刘纯平Face Verification Across Aging Based on Deep Convolutional Networks and Local Binary PatternsINTELLIGENCE SCIENCE AND BIG DATA ENGINEERICPCIS
86刘冠峰A Multiple Trust Paths Selection Tool in Contextual Online Social NetworksWEB TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (APWEB 20CPCIS
87刘冠峰An Efficient Method to Find the Optimal Social Trust Path in Contextual Social GraphsDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS
88刘全Intelligent Model Learning Based on Variance for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning2015 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCPCIS
89刘全ACIS: An Improved Actor-Critic Method for POMDPs with Internal State2015 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCPCIS
90刘全A Bayesian Sarsa Learning Algorithm with Bandit-Based MethodNEURAL INFORMATION PROCESSING, PT ICPCIS
91王进An Efficient Short Null Keys Based Scheme for Securing Network Coding Against Pollution AttacksFRONTIERS IN INTERNET TECHNOLOGIESCPCIS
92凌云Research of Zero-crossing detection for Sensorless BLDC motorPROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONFECPCIS
93吴健Multi-Label Active Learning with Label Correlation for Image Classification2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGECPCIS
94吴健Semi-automatic Labeling with Active Learning for Multi-label Image ClassificationADVANCES IN MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION PROCESSICPCIS
95吴健Immune Centroids Over-Sampling Method for Multi-Class ClassificationADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MICPCIS
96吴娴A QoS-Constrained Scheduling for Access Requests in Cloud StoragePROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 10TH IEEE CONFERENCCPCIS
97许佳捷On Efficient Passenger Assignment for Group TransportationDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS
98许佳捷Efficient Trip Planning for Maximizing User SatisfactionDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS
99严建峰A Comparative Study on Parallel LDA Algorithms in MapReduce FrameworkADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MICPCIS
100张莉Time Series Classification based on Multi-Codebook Piecewise Vector Quantized Approximation2015 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCPCIS
101张莉Multiple SVM-RFE for Multi-class Gene Selection on DNA Microarray Data2015 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURCPCIS
102张莉Similarity Learning Based on Multiple Support Vector Data Description2015 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURCPCIS
103张莉Comparison of Auto-encoders with Different Sparsity Regularizers2015 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURCPCIS
104张莉Filtering SAR imagery for edge detection using support value transform2015 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURCPCIS
105张莉A fast approximation algorithm for 1-norm SVM with squared loss2015 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURCPCIS
106张文哲Layered Negotiation-Based Self-protection for Wireless Sensor NetworksADVANCES IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSCPCIS
107张召L1-Norm Driven Semi-Supervised Local Discriminant Projection for Robust Image Representation2015 IEEE 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCPCIS
108张召Projective Label Propagation by Label EmbeddingCOMPUTER ANALYSIS OF IMAGES AND PATTERNS, CCPCIS
110赵朋朋EPEMS: An Entity Matching System for E-Commerce ProductsWEB TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS (APWEB 20CPCIS
111赵朋朋TK-SK: Textual-Restricted K Spatial Keyword Query on Road NetworksDATABASES THEORY AND APPLICATIONSCPCIS
112赵朋朋Effective Spatial Keyword Query Processing on Road NetworksDATABASES THEORY AND APPLICATIONSCPCIS
113赵朋朋Batch Mode Active Learning for Networked Data with Optimal Subset SelectionWEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (WAIM 2015)CPCIS
114赵朋朋RPCV: Recommend Potential Customers to Vendors in Location-Based Social NetworkWEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (WAIM 2015)CPCIS
115赵朋朋Effective Sampling of Points of Interests on Maps Based on Road NetworksWEB-AGE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (WAIM 2015)CPCIS
116赵朋朋Scalable Top-k Spatial Image Search on Road NetworksDATABASE SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS,CPCIS